Healing Frequencies: Sounds to Soothe the Soul

Music is one of the great healers. There have been soothing sounds echoing throughout history from ancient times to the present. One thinks of the pan pipe, flute and harp; and Grecian temple music invoking the gods. Apollo and his lyre bestrode the Oracle of Delphi; forever linking music with the healing and divinatory arts. Today’s music continues that tradition, with Chill Out sounds helping dance party revelers come down from the peak.  Healing frequencies are at the fingertips of all great DJs as they twirl the knobs on their turntables and mixers.

Nature is full of sounds that we perceive with one of our five senses; and then process auditorily within our brains. Birdcalls screech and twitter and cicadas click and rustle. The wind wails and thunder rumbles. Rain clatters and drums. Noises and sounds are everywhere in a multitude of arrangements composed by existence. For believers these natural sounds were proof of god’s presence behind the veil of reality. The puppet master was pulling the strings and being the sound guy for his own production.

Healing Frequencies: Sounds to Soothe the Soul

Alternative healers in the twenty first century utilize soothing sounds just as the temple high priestesses did in antiquity. I have had opera sung into parts of my body, whilst lying prostrate on a massage table. I have chanted with Indians around a brazier filled with burning cow dung. I have writhed naked in a sweat lodge with sixty others similarly attired, as our spiritual leader intoned about bears, wolves and salmon. In each of these situations sound has been an integral part of the experience. Trance dance music can weave a sonic spell about its adherents; transporting them to another dimension of reality. Indigenous tribes have been using music as such devices for millennia.

Mothers sing lullabies to their babies to soothe and communicate love. Is there any clearer example of sound’s healing frequencies ability to soothe the soul? Auditory processing is vital for all human beings to feel at home within their own skin in a world full of sounds. If a child or an adult cannot distinguish sounds near and far, then the confusion created is deeply unsettling. It will result in that individual withdrawing into his or her shell or lashing out aggressively as a coping mechanism. Calming music in a quiet room can help the sufferer of auditory disorders regain some composure within themselves.